The Paralympics kicked off on Wednesday, August 28, with an opening ceremony in Paris, France. This time, India is in the game with its largest-ever contingent of 84 athletes, hoping to surpass its previous records. India has won a total of 31 Paralympic medals, 19 of which were from the last Tokyo Paralympic Games in 2021, including five gold, eight silver, and six bronze medals. Team India at Paris Paralympic opening ceremony With a less-than-satisfying performance in the Paris Olympic 2024, India is now targeting 25 medals in this Paralympics edition. Devendra Jhajharia , a double medallist in the Paralympics and now the President of the Paralympic Committee of India (PCI) , said in a video message, “Our 84-member team has come here with great enthusiasm. As the President of the Paralympic Committee, I want to tell you that we are going to create history in this tournament,” as the team reached the venue. “We will win more m...